Inspect and process results of akoúste listening experiments

Read a local akoúste results table and inspect and process it. File extension must be .txt.

Read CSV table

Separator   Subject   Practice   Spk ID   Exp

Separator: The character separating the values, one of [, ; tab]
Subject: Subject, or listener, identifier
Practice: Number of practice items. These will be removed
Spkr ID: Characters in audio filenames that identify the speaker, as <start position>, <length>. Default "0, 4". With only a single number, this is the number of characters from 0. (Only relevant when Exp is ABX. If this number is 0, and there are columns named SpeakerA, SpeakerB, and SpeakerX, the values in these columns are used to detemine whether the answer is correct.
Exp: Experiment type, one of ABX, VAS or Likert5. The choice of experiment affects the processing. With ABX, the correct choices are marked. With VAS and Likert5, a normalized Z-score is calculated.
Check column: The integrity of the rows in a response files from akoúste are checked. Rows with (red) false entries have been corrupted. After a false row, all rows below will fail the test too.